Well Done!! You've Completed The SQL Crash Course

By Alan Hylands — 2 minute read

And in the end...

A little nod to The Beatles to wrap up our whistle-stop thirty five bite-sized lesson tour through the main building blocks of SQL.

From the SELECT statement to the WHERE clause, you should now be well equipped to get in and get the data you want back out of your SQL database.

All of the different elements we've been looking at don't seem like much on their own. But if you master these commands you've added a genuine data superpower to your toolbelt.

No messing.

Go back over the lessons and drop me a mail to alan@alanhylands.com if you have any questions. I'm not blowing it up when I say learning SQL is the single most important step you can take to building a long lasting career in data analysis.

This is the first step and I'd love to be able to help as many people as I can take that step - and keep on stepping all the way to their goals.

All the best and I'll be in touch with more hints, tips and strategies for building your career in data and analytics real soon. Check out the other articles on AlanHylands.com or sign up for the mailing list below and get my latest articles straight to your inbox.

Good luck,

Alan Hylands AlanHylands.com: Building Better Data Analysts