Lesson 4: Filtering results with the WHERE Clause.

By Alan Hylands — 1 minute read

The WHERE clause allows us to filter the results by a set of criteria.

After the SELECT statement, the SQL WHERE clause might just be the second most important piece of code you learn in your data analysis career. I know that sounds like hyperbole but I really believe it.

Specifying the columns we want in our SELECT statement lets us limit the columns of data we return in our SQL query. If we want to filter the rows however based on certain criteria, we use the WHERE clause.

The WHERE clause lets us laser focus on exactly which records within our data table we need. And that will make all the difference.

If we want to only grab the products that are books from a Products table, we could use the query:

FROM Products
WHERE product_type='book';

Quiz Time.

The Question.

When you want to get your hands/hand on the Infinity Stones, you can't be rolling around looking like a blue-eyed All-American hero. No, we want only rows where the character has red eyes.

The Data.

The Editor.


Show Answer

The Answer.

Correct SQL:

                    SELECT * FROM characters WHERE eyes='red';

Correct Output:

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